Any trade between L2Soft and its Administration are interchangeable and treated like a charity, in this case any sneaky claim will be rejected and may cause ban from our software.Do not forget, that we do not guarantee protection against ban, so think wisely before using our bot. We do not take any responsibilities if your account or character will be suspended or even banned. Administrator is able to make personal-manual checks and punish you for that. By using our software, you are breaking server policies and rules.In this case fix of bot may take time, usually from some hours to a couple of days, weeks. Server adminstration and protection developers are not sleeping and actively trying to find new methods how to protect their product, in this case sometimes bot may not work properly or may not work at all.If it was working for your friends or clan mates, doesn’t mean that it will work for you as well! To avoid any missunderstoods, always ask technical support for current situation and conditions before purchase of your license! Bot workability on private servers can be changed from time to time. Bot working on almost every private and all official servers.By accepting important information, you agree to several conditions: